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Permanent Magnetic Coupling

Permanent Magnetic Couplings we offer make use of permanent magnets for transferring the torque. The couplings offer significant advantages when it comes to replace the systems and components at an alarmingly high rate. The said couplings are needed to deal with the maintenance and reliability issues. Permanent Magnetic Couplings are highly demanded for the petroleum and petrochemical industries. Their use can eliminate the need of inefficient expensive VFDs, discharge control valves and dampers. The said products can deal with the misalignment. The products perform right transfer of torque in various applications. Mechanical power transmission is easily achievable with these couplings. 

Permanent Round Magnetic Coupling

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Permanent round magnet couplings are made to convey the torque via magnetic forces. The torque is moved between external and internal rotors. They are functional as sealing elements and offer a hermetic separation of drive and driven side. Utilization of these couplings prevent the serious leakage. Permanent round magnet couplings can deal with critical liquids such as aggressive acids others. The said products make use of the permanent magnets for an easy transferal of torque. There are many significant advantages of the systems. Also, these can do away with reliability and maintenance issues. 

Steel Permanent Magnets Coupling